Creativity Organized Community Building Events
Now that you’re able to leave your house, let’s meet new people and do cool things!
Creativity Organized was started to create and grow a community of enthusiastic people who want to share their passions. Come meet up at monthly events to connect as a community.
Follow @CreativityOrganized
Looking for something to do?
Creativity Organized produces a variety of niche events with the goal of connecting and learning.
If you have an idea for a niche event that isn’t listed below, tell me more! The next exciting event is just an idea away. (I mean… a lot of work goes into creating these events… but we need to start with the idea and build from there)
Meet Up and Work Event
Get out of your normal WFH space and meet others working remotely.
We introduce you to new spaces perfect for working remotely that aren’t just another coffee shop.
You can come and work on your own or with your team. You’re also welcome to join the accountability discussion. We share about a goal for the week/month/project and something we’re proud of from last month.
Business Book Club
Do you ever read a book that has some really great stuff in it that you want to put into practice? What about a book that you’ve put into action and it has made a huge difference in your life? Or a book with great concepts, but didn’t quite get it?
lol Same.
At Business Book Club we discuss what we loved, hated, didn’t get, implemented, and experienced in a variety of books. From business strategy, behavioral economics, and even some self-help. We connect over concepts, but like… we’re not stuffy…
We’re smart. Not boring.
Between meet ups, we read… obviously. But we also act as an accountability group to help each other implement concepts into their business, life, and world.
Hobby Happy Hour Events
Imagine a Power Point Party where everyone gets 5 minutes to explain why their hobby is awesome. Then imagine having workshops to then learn and participate with that hobby. Make sure you imagine enjoying snacks and drinks too.
That’s kinda what Hobby Happy Hour Events are.
Monthly we gather to showcase a few members’ hobbies or passion projects. Then we either participate in a few of the hobbies or just hang out and get to know each other.
Adulting Activity Club
Remember in high school and college how there was a club for everything? You were able to just show up to an activity, make friends, and do an activity. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the chance to do that as an adult?
Now you can do that as an adult! Join the Niche Events community to get the month’s line up of activity clubs you can drop in and make friends.
Conversations Across Generations
Join the conversation to establish communication between different age groups about on both light and complicated subjects.
The goal of each event is to create an open line of communication. Facilitated by a speaker or a panel, we use pre-generated and day-of questions that guide the conversation through an established cross-generational topic.
We talk about the transitions that life is full of. From going away to college, getting married, navigating illnesses, or making medical choices for a loved one. People approach change in a multitude of different ways. We have fun while helping people start the conversation and navigate in a productive way.
Page to Stage Theatre Series
Going and seeing a show is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon or evening. But have you ever seen a show and wanted to know how the production team made something happen? Have you ever been confused by a script and wish you could have more context on what the show was about? Do you want to know more about the costumes, set construction, or choreography that made the production so impressive?
Well… that’s what we wanted. So you’re invited to learn with us.
Page to Stage is for the people who want more than just your average show ticket. This series is for those who want more education from the amazing world that is theatre arts. Just like each show, each event is different. Some might focus on the script itself. Others might focus on the context of the world in which the play exists. You might even get to ask questions to people from the production staff like the director, choreographer, technicians, or actors.
Solo Adventure Together
Do you want to try that one restaurant? What about explore that garden in the cool neighborhood? Or, have you wanted seen that landmark that is very distinct to that area? What’s stopping you? You don’t have someone to go with?
Let’s go together.
Solo Adventure Together is a group to reach out to when you have something you want to do together, but you don’t necessarily have the group of friends that are stoked to do that thing. We’ll be those friends!

Niche Events
You want to meet people interested in your niche? We might have an event for you. If we don’t, let’s plan one together!