• Event Coordination

    Launch Parties

    Private Dinners

    Corporate Retreats

  • Brand Building

    Focused Storytelling

    Merchandizing Ideas

    Scaleable Processes

  • Community Network

    Creative Collaboration

    Hobby Happy Hours

    Meet Up & Work Events

Who says creative people aren’t organized?

A lot of people, actually. But to some, the organized chaos in the minds of creatives is fascinating, ambitious, and magical. That’s why Creativity Organized works to define actions that can bring ideas to life and connect people who want to work together.

Creativity Organized started because we had a network of people who wanted to share their passions with others. They just didn’t have the resources or proper outlets to focus their ideas and bring them to life.

If you have something to say but aren’t sure how best to say it, let’s chat. We’ll work together to organize the creativity you have and build something wonderful.

If you want to meet people who are passionate learners and explorers, join our community. We have meet ups and activities for many interests and varying levels of extroversion.


The Process:

  • You have big beautiful concepts that you want to bring to life! That’s awesome!

    So much creativity needs to be released into the world to:

    1. Solve a problem

    2. Create connection

    3. Or just serve to be a ton of fun!

    But how do you take it from concept to creation?

    First step is to “call a spade a spade.” In order to start moving forward, you need to define what the end goal is. This end goal can shift and evolve, of course. But at the beginning, creating a focused concept can leave room for more embellishment later.

  • You have a big beautiful well-defined concept. Congrats! What’s next to bring that idea to life?

    For some people, jumping in head-first is the way they operate. It might seem like a waste of time to slow down and make a plan. But I assure you, it’s not.

    When it comes to bringing concepts to reality having a “creativity organizer” can help map out your concept into actionable items.

  • Now that you have your action items, you probably need connections to some stuff.

    This “stuff” might be defined as something material, spatial, or people related. Joining the Creativity Organized Community can connect you to all of that stuff and more.

    (The “stuff” you need might also be time. Which, although that’s not something that we can find more of, we might be able to help. During the “plan” stage of the process, we’ll see where we can simplify, automate, or offload tasks, thus giving you more time in a sense.)

  • It’s time to tell people about your project!

    We’ll work together to make your digital content tell the story you want to share. We’ll make content for your brand to be engaging, informative, and consistent.


Hi! I’m Mary.

I’m an aspiring comedy writer who had to learn to wrangle in my creative mind to stay organized in a corporate job. And I was really good at it.

Once I learned how to define my ambitions and map out the steps to accomplish them, I became very productive. I said thank you to that job and started on a freelancing journey to see what event coordination and content creation dreams I could produce for myself and others.

If you’re a fellow creative looking for help organizing your projects, I’m here. Or, if you’re all-business-all-the-time and want a creative to bring a bit of fun to your brand, I got you.

Some Favorite Projects

  • Engineers Go to the Renaissance Faire

    Having a fun company culture is a priority when trying to attract talent. We planned a day trip for this engineering company to step away from their computers and step into the magical land of minstrels, knights, and giant turkey legs.

  • How to Plan Virtual Events Your Teams Want to Join

    Staying connected and engaged in this virtual workplace can be difficult. Here are my steps for hosting an interesting virtual event that keeps conversations going and doesn’t let people feel pressured or left out.

  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off Corporate Retreat

    Bonding with coworkers is much easier when you’re out of the office. We used a classic movie as a blueprint to create a full-day tour of Chicago for this consulting company.